
2nd April 2011 = India World Champion

Finally..... prayers answered and dreams of many fulfilled after 28 years! It's not a short age gap huh!...1983 and 2011 carrying memorable moments with me... feeling lucky to born in such era.

Sachin - God of cricket got Guru Dakshina(reward) from team and it is "World cup trophy"... loved the spirit of team India. 
Oh! I shouldn't continue being so emotional here... and let's have look at World Cup 2011 celebrations...

If you interested to watch how India won and master shot by captain Dhoni then have a look at below mentioned video.


ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

If there is any word greater than Awesome/ Superb/ Marvelous... then tag it with INDIA.... BRAVO!!! Cheers! ♥
Will update this post soon... Stay tuned...  

P.S. Finger crossed for final match (2nd April)